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PAPER DOI: 10.1109/IRPS48228.2024.10529492
Impact of Edge and Basal Plane Oxidation on the Stability of Oxygen Doped MoS2-RRAM
Temporal characteristics of O2-doped MoS2 (MoS2:O)-based Ru/MoS2:O/Pt RRAM demonstrate that, basal-plane oxidation of MoS2 during its sputter-deposition in optimized O2 protects RRAM from environment. Mo3d (XPS) from 3-months’ MoS2:O revealed lesser Mo+6 (edge; MoO3)-to-Mo+4 (basal; Mo-O) ratio in MoS2:O than its un-doped counterpart, showing significant edge-oxidation (MoO3) in latter that adversely impacted monthly retention of RRAM having un-doped MoS2 film.