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Structural, magnetic and magnetocaloric characterization of Ni2MnSn microwires prepared by Taylor Ulitovsky technique
In this work, we addressed the fabrication of Ni2MnSn glass-coated microwires (mws) by using the Taylor-Ulitovky technique, as well as their structural, magnetic and magnetocaloric (MC) characterization. Apart from the physical characteristics of the material itself, wire-shaped MC materials bring additional features of interest from the viewpoint of refrigeration applications such as an easier magnetization saturation along wire length, and a large surface-to-volume ratio 1. The former may lead to reach a given MC effect value at a lower magnetic field change m0ΔH, whereas the latter allows a high heat-transfer rate with the exchange fluid. Microwires were prepared from a bulk arc-melted ingot of nominal composition Ni2MnSn produced from highly pure elements (≥ 99.9 %). Their average metallic core diameter was 86 µm (as the inset of Fig. 1(a) shows). Their characteristic XRD pattern, shown in Fig. 1(a), was indexed based on a single-phase austenite with the L21 structure (space group Fm-3m; a= 5.98 Å). The foreground graph in Fig. 1(b) shows that the M(T) curves measured upon heating and cooling cycles under magnetic fields m0H of 10 mT, 50 mT, and 1 T almost overlap; austenite shows a Curie temperature of 350 K. The thermal dependencies of the magnetic entropy change -ΔSM(T) for different m0ΔH values are shown at the inset of the figure; the curves are broad reaching a |ΔSM|max value of 2.3 Jkg-1K-1 at 3.0 T. The results are compared with those previously reported for bulk and melt-spun ribbons of the same composition 2,3.