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Investigation Of Structural And Magnetic Properties Of Nanocrystalline Pr0.57Bi0.1Ca0.33MnO3.
Perovskite manganite oxide shows that various future technologies (eg. spintronics, magnetic sensors, infrared detectors, magnetic storage media, colossal magneto-resistance application, thermo-electric applications, and magnetic refrigerants) are greatly relying on these materials 1. Double exchange (DE) interaction and super-exchange (SE) interaction play a vital role in the above-given properties 2. We have investigated the structural and magnetic properties of nanocrystalline powder Pr0.57Bi0.1Ca0.33MnO3 (PBCMO) synthesized by the sol-gel technique. PBCMO is very interesting shows various magnetic transition as compare to La0.57Bi0.1Ca0.33MnO3 which shows only one magnetic transition 3. The Rietveld analysis of the X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern reveals that the compound crystallizes in a single orthorhombic phase with the Pbnm space group. The Crystallite size was calculated using the Scherrer formula and it is found to be ~27 nm. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) images confirm the homogeneity of the sample and the average particle size from SEM image using particle size distribution with Lorentz fit was found to be 110 nm. This has revealed that each particle consists of several crystallites. Temperature dependence Magnetization measurements under the external magnetic field of 500 Oe, in Fig.1, have shown that the sample exhibits magnetic transition at temperature ~ 44 K from ferromagnetic (FM) to paramagnetic (PM) phase with increasing temperature. Moreover, we have observed three small bumps near temperatures 75 K, 158 K, and 222 K that may suggest us simultaneous occurrence of the FM phase and antiferromagnetic phase 4. Field-dependent magnetization for nanocrystalline PBCMO has exhibited ferromagnetism (FM) at low temperature (5 K) and the linear hysteresis loop corresponds to the paramagnetic region at room temperature as shown in Fig.2.