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Effect of Dzyaloshinskii Moriya Interactions on Magnetization Reversal in Perpendicularly Magnetized Nanodots of Different Shape
Analysis of magnetization reversal in ferromagnetic nanodots of different shapes with dimension in the range of 100 nm in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction (DMI) is extremely important for technological application 1. Though a few studies have explored the effect of DMI on the magnetization reversal mechanism in nanostructures, to disentangle the influence of shape and DMI requires further systematic studies 2-4. Here, we investigate the effect of DMI (D) and in-plane bias field (H) on magnetization reversal in perpendicularly magnetized isolated square, circular, and triangular nanodot using the micromagnetic simulation Mumax3 5. The side length/diameter of the nanodot is chosen as 128 nm and the thickness as 1 nm and the material parameters of Co is selected. Our results indicate that the coercive field monotonically decreases as the strength of D increases and loop becomes asymmetric in the presence of both D and H in all three shapes. Interestingly, for D = 0 and H ≠ 0, nucleation of the reverse domain occurs at the central region of the nanodot (Figs. 1(a-c)), and in case of D ≠ 0 and H ≠ 0 chiral nucleation occurs at the far edge (Figs. 1(d-f)). Due to lateral asymmetry of the triangular nanodot, the total energy value is smaller for the triangular nanodots (for -100 mT < H < +100 mT, and -1 mJ/m2 < D < + 1 mJ/m2) thereby making it preferred for energy efficient magnetization reversal as compared to other two shapes. However, at sufficiently higher value of the magnitude of H (> 200 mT) and D (> 1 mJ/m2), due to the laterally symmetric sides of the square the energy barrier for the magnetization reversal reduces drastically (cf. Fig.1(f)). These findings indicate that the effect of D and H in lowering the energy barrier for the magnetization reversal is intricately related to the symmetry associated with the shape of the nanodots.
1 F. Hellman, A. Hoffmann, Y. Tserkovnyak et al., Rev. Mod. Phys., Vol.89, p.025006 (2017)
2 S. Pizzini, J. Vogel, S. Rohart et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol.113, p.047203 (2014)
3 D.-S. Han, N.-H. Kim, J.-S. Kim et al., Nano Lett., Vol.16, p.4438 (2016)
4 Syamlal S K, Hari Prasanth Perumal, and Jaivardhan Sinha., Mater. Lett., Vol.303, p.130492 (2021)
5 A. Vansteenkiste, J. Leliaert, M. Dvornik et al., AIP Adv., Vol.4, p.107133 (2014)
Figure 1: Snapshot of the spin configuration for square, circular and triangular nanodot during down to up (D-U) switching at H = -100 mT and D = 0 (a-c), H = -100 mT and D = 3 mJ/m2
(d-f). (g) Variation of total energy as a function of in-plane bias field for square, circular, and triangular nanodots at different value of D is plotted during D-U switching.