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Weak itinerant ferromagnetic behaviour in Al substituted Ni92Cr8 alloys
Recently exotic magnetic phases have been reported on tuning the ground state by chemical pressure, mechanical pressure and/or applying an external magnetic field 1, 2. The magnetic transitions were supressed discontinuously and continuously toward zero Kelvin at a critical concentration (xc) and termed as quantum phase transition (QPT). Interestingly, in NiCoCr 2 and NiCr 3 systems QPT and quantum Griffiths phase (QGP) were reported near critical concentration. It is believed that strong disorder leads to observation of QGP. In this context a pertinent question is that, can we drive a system which exhibits a QPT into QGP by controlling the disorder? Therefore, in the present investigation we will attempt to control the disorder by substituting non-magnetic element like Al, Cu in NiCr system. Further investigate magnetic properties as we approach the critical concentration. For this study we have chosen Ni92-xCr8TMx (TM: Cu, Al) alloy system. Polycrystalline samples have been synthesized by arc melting method using high purity elemental constituents under Ar atmosphere. Subsequently, the ingots were homogenized by annealing at 1000° C for 72 h followed by water quenching. Structural and elemental analysis suggest fcc crystal structure with elemental compositions close to the nominal composition. Variation of Curie temperature (TC) as a function of concentration is shown in the Fig.1 (a) indicating role of chemical disorder when substituted with magnetic and non-magnetic elements. From temperature and field dependent magnetization data Rhodes-Wohlfarth ratio (RWR) parameter is determined to evaluate the itineracy and Takahashi-Deguchi plot is shown in Fig.1(b) along with alloys of weak itinerant character from the literature. Further detailed analysis of low temperature M-H data shows that as ‘x’ approaches the xc the spin fluctuations increase, which is the typical character to observe QPT or QGP. Results based on detailed analysis of the data will be presented.
1. A. Schroeder et al., J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, 094205 (2011)
2. B.C. Sales et al., njp Quant. Mater. 2, 33 (2017).
3. S.Vishvakarma and V Srinivas, J. Appl. Phys. 129, 143901 (2021).