Primary Care Physician Readership Practices of the Printed Versions of Deutsches Arzteblatt
publishing models
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Objective How medical journal audiences read scientific
articles is of key interest to authors and editors, but there are
few publications on reading patterns. To better understand
reading behavior, surveys of readers of a print general
medical journal conducted with physicians in private practice
were analyzed, with a focus on reading rates, popularity of
different kinds of articles, attraction of tables or figures, and
how readership declined with increasing numbers of pages in
an article.
Design This was a survey study of readers of Deutsches
Ärzteblatt, the journal of the German Medical Association
and the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance
Physicians. During regular surveys between 2000 and 2019,
changing groups of general practitioners and internists in
private practice marked pages they had read in a print journal
issue. Here, we present results from 57 survey waves. Using
multivariable logistic regression, associations of formal page
characteristics (independent variables: right vs left page, first
vs following page within an article, presence of tables or text
boxes, publication year) with reading status of a page
(dependent variable: yes/no) were analyzed.
Results The median number of participants per survey wave
was 49 (IQR, 35-77), the mean age across groups was 54
years, and a total of 1104 pages were surveyed. In all waves
combined, the median readership per page was 14.1% (IQR,
6.7%-25.0%), with no trend across the 20 years covered. For
full-length articles, the mean (SD) readership peaked at page
1 at 38.7% (11.5%), decreased to 12.3% (8.7%) at page 2, and
plateaued at approximately 12% for pages 3 to 7 (Figure 18).
Reference lists were read less frequently (median, 0% IQR,
0%-1.6%). Pages with tables were marked more often than
those without (median, 12.5% IQR, 6.3%-20.1%), less so for
pages with figures (median, 9.4% IQR, 4.5%-17.6%).
Readers more often read right than left pages, but after
removing first pages from the analysis, the difference
narrowed (median, 11.3% IQR, 5.6%-21.2% vs median,
10.1% IQR, 5.0%-17.4%). On multivariable analysis, reading
status was independently associated with first pages (OR,
4.70 95% CI, 4.10-5.38), right pages (OR, 1.14 95% CI,
1.04-1.25), and presence of tables or text boxes (OR, 1.32
95% CI, 1.16-1.49). Physicians more often read review
articles (median, 17.0% IQR, 12.3%-24.0%) than original
articles (median, 12.5% IQR, 10.0%-15.8%) and letters
(median, 11.7% IQR, 7.8-16.5%) and read editorials most
frequently (median, 29.5% IQR, 18.8%-34.0%). By topic,
the median (IQR) readership was 18.6% (7.8%-26.9%) for
nonsurgery topics (eg, internal medicine, neurology,
psychiatry), 12.7% (6.0%-24.1%) for surgery topics (eg,
traumatology), and 8.1% (3.1%-15.4%) for cross-disciplinary
topics (eg, radiology, microbiology).
Conclusions In this study, readership of medical journal
articles dropped by two-thirds after page 1 but remained
relatively stable thereafter, and approximately 1 in 8 readers
read an entire full-length article. These results apply to
primary care physicians and are not representative of the
entire audience of a general medical journal.
Conflict of Interest Disclosures Christopher Baethge is
employed by Deutsches Ärzteblatt and is responsible for its
scientific content.
Funding/Support The surveys analyzed were paid for by
Deutscher Ärzteverlag, the publisher of Deutsches Ärzteblatt.