Evaluation of Women Representation in National Institutes of Health Study Sections
funding/grant peer review
diversity and inclusion
Objective To study the representation of women scientists
and physicians in National Institutes of Health (NIH) study
Design In this cross-sectional study, a stratified random
sample composed of 15 study sections representing 15
separate NIH institutes and centers was extracted. Rosters
from each study section meeting in the years 2011, 2016, and
2021 were downloaded from the NIH Scientific Review Group
Roster Index. For each NIH reviewer, professional websites
were searched to identify gender identity descriptions. If
these descriptions could not be found,
(Demografix ApS) was used to determine the probability of a
name belonging to a man or woman. Names with probability
values less than .60 were excluded. The following data points
were extracted from each roster: (1) highest academic degree,
(2) meeting date, (3) academic rank, (4) type of member
(permanent, temporary, chair, scientific review officer, other),
(5) institution, and (6) geographic region.1 Stata version 16.1
was used to conduct χ2 tests for 2-group comparisons and a
multivariate, binary logistic regression to examine the
association of the key factors with the likelihood of being a
woman NIH reviewer.
Results A total of 3478 total reviewers from 15 study sections
in 2011, 2016, and 2021 were identified. Overall, there were
1508 women reviewers (44.6%) and 1970 men reviewers
(55.4%). After removing duplicates, there were 1901 unique
reviewers, of which 802 (42.2%) were women and 1099
(57.8%) were men. There was no significant difference in the
proportion of total and unique women reviewers (P = .41).
The proportion of women nominally increased each year from
2011 (476 of 1165 40.9%) to 2016 (472 of 1123 42.0%) to
2021 (560 of 1109 47.1%). Multiple regression indicated that
women reviewers were less likely to hold medical science
degrees. Women were more likely to be from the Southeast
and Northeast regions of the US and hold the position of
Chair or Scientific Review Officer in the study section
(Table 31).
Conclusions This study examining women representation in
NIH study sections in 2011, 2016, and 2021 indicates that the
proportion of women reviewers increased over time but that
several key improvements could be made to further increase
representation. In particular, women physicians and
physician-scientists were underrepresented in our study. Bias
toward women in medicine has been extensively described
previously,2,3 and efforts to identify or overcome limitations to
women physician recruitment to NIH study sections should
be undertaken. These findings significantly expand results
from a previous study that evaluated representation of
women on NIH panels for a single year. These findings are
limited by use of self-reported gender pronouns and the
probability of a name belonging to a man or woman when
pronouns were not reported. In addition, the random
sampling may have introduced bias since some institutes and
centers have more study sections than others.
1. National Geographic Society. United States regions.
Accessed June 5, 2022.
2. Hansen M, Schoonover A, Skarica B, Harrod T, Bahr N,
Guise JM. Implicit gender bias among US resident physicians.
BMC Med Educ. 2019;19:396. doi:10.1186/s12909-019-1818-1
3. Newman EA, Waljee J, Dimick JB, Mulholland MW.
Eliminating institutional barriers to career advancement for
diverse faculty in academic surgery. Ann Surg.
2019;270(1):23-25. doi:10.1097/SLA.0000000000003273
Conflict of Interest Disclosures Matt Vassar has received
funding from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the US Office of
Research Integrity, Oklahoma Center for Advancement of Science
and Technology, and internal grants from Oklahoma State
University Center for Health Sciences.