The cognitive frames modeling as an approach to analyze a place transformation from attractors and selectionist theory: Case Kaunas
mathematical graph-based simulation; peoxemic behaviour; tourist vs. locals; bias culture transmission; selectionist vs. attractors theories
We proceed on anthropological theories of cultural and behavioural transmission where culture can be transmitted vertically (between local generations), horizontally between current populations and incoming groups, and by reciprocal oblique transmission through multiple modes. We compare the two transmission theories in a cognitive explanation of the general perception of cultural traits in urban area. The theory of natural selection of culture is based on the evolutionary paradigm of biased selection of the most appropriate and promising solutions for oneself and the reference community. For this theory we chose a research sample of the local population in Kaunas city. Cultural attractors are theoretical propositions that capture the way in which certain ideational variants are more likely to be the outcome of transformations than others. This way of reasoning is characteristic when a person becomes acquainted with an unfamiliar and new place. For this theory we chose a research sample of visitors, tourists in Kaunas. Both of these theories are based on different perceptions of place and different priorities from a long-term perspective. Applying such findings will improve our ability to recognize how to keep a particular place vital and sustainable in the long term.
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