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Bing Xiang is currently a Director of Applied Science at Amazon Web Services, leading a global science organization in AWS AI Labs. He oversees the science work powering dozens of AWS AI services and products that leverage machine learning and deep learning for search, question answering, information extraction, program synthesis, recommendation, forecasting, anomaly detection, and business analytics. Before joining Amazon in 2017, he was a Principal Research Staff Member and Science Manager at IBM Watson Research Center, leading a research team developing algorithms for multiple NLP services. Prior to IBM, he worked at BBN Technologies as a key contributor to several DARPA projects on speech recognition, speech-to-speech translation, and machine translation. He has published over 100 papers and served as an Area Chair and Program Committee Member at top NLP conferences like ACL, NAACL and EMNLP. He holds a PhD degree from Cornell University and BS/MS degrees from Peking University.
Exploring Continual Learning for Code Generation Models
Prateek Yadav and 11 other authors
ContraCLM: Contrastive Learning For Causal Language Model
Nihal Jain and 11 other authors
Efficient Shapley Values Estimation by Amortization for Text Classification
Chenghao Yang and 5 other authors
ReCode: Robustness Evaluation of Code Generation Models
Shiqi Wang and 13 other authors
Benchmarking Diverse-Modal Entity Linking with Generative Models
Sijia Wang and 10 other authors
Careers in NLP
Asli Celikyilmaz and 3 other authors
Generation-Focused Table-Based Intermediate Pre-Training for Free-Form Question Answering
Peng Shi and 10 other authors
Generative Context Pair Selection for Multi-hop Question Answering
Dheeru Dua and 6 other authors
Generative Context Pair Selection for Multi-hop Question Answering
Dheeru Dua and 6 other authors
Contrastive Document Representation Learning with Graph Attention Networks
Peng Xu and 4 other authors
Answering Ambiguous Questions through Generative Evidence Fusion and Round-Trip Prediction
Yifan Gao and 9 other authors
Supporting Clustering with Contrastive Learning
Dejiao Zhang and 8 other authors