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Eunsol Choi

Professor @ The University of Texas at Austin

question answering

data augmentation



question generation


machine reading comprehension


natural questions

questing answering

information-seeking qa

tydi qa


claim decomposition




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Eunsol Choi is an assistant professor in the computer science department at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses on natural language processing, various ways to recover semantics from unstructured text. Prior to UT, she was a visiting faculty researcher at Google AI. She received a Ph.D. from the University of Washington (with Luke Zettlemoyer and Yejin Choi) and an undergraduate degree in mathematics and computer science from Cornell University. She is a recipient Facebook Research Fellowship, Google Research Award and has co-organized many workshops related to question answering at NLP and ML venues.


Generating Literal and Implied Subquestions to Fact-check Complex Claims

Jifan Chen and 3 other authors

Learning with Different Amounts of Annotation: From Zero to Many Labels

Shujian Zhang and 2 other authors

Can NLI Models Verify QA Systems’ Predictions?

Jifan Chen and 2 other authors

Learning with Different Amounts of Annotation: From Zero to Many Labels

Shujian Zhang and 2 other authors

Can NLI Models Verify QA Systems' Predictions?

Jifan Chen and 2 other authors

Knowing More About Questions Can Help: Improving Calibration in Question Answering

Shujian Zhang and 2 other authors

QED: A Framework and Dataset for Explanations in Question Answering

Matthew Lamm and 6 other authors

Challenges in Information-Seeking QA: Unanswerable Questions and Paragraph Retrieval

Akari Asai and 1 other author

Decontextualization: Making Sentences Stand-Alone

Eunsol Choi and 5 other authors

XOR QA: Cross-lingual Open-Retrieval Question Answering

Akari Asai and 5 other authors

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