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Lianhui Qin
University of Washington
reinforcement learning
text generation
language model
mixture of experts
generative commonsense reasoning
language diversity
inference-time algorithm
number of views
I'm Lianhui Qin (覃莲卉). I'm a PhD student of CSE, UW, working with Prof. Yejin Choi. My research interests lie in natural language processing and machine learning, especially commonsense reasoning in text and conversation generation. I received 2021 Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellowship.
Inference-Time Policy Adapters (IPA): Tailoring Extreme-Scale LMs without Fine-tuning | VIDEO
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On Discretized Interpretation of Continuous Prompts
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Diversifying Content Generation for Commonsense Reasoning with Mixture of Knowledge Graph Experts
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TuringAdvice: A Generative and Dynamic Evaluation of Language Use
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