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Emilien Azéma

University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France




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Associate Professor at Université de Montpellier (France) at the LMGC (Laboratoire de Mécanique et Génie Civil). I’m mainly working on the micro-mechanics of granular systems composed of realistic microstructure.


Highly strained mixtures of bidimensional soft and rigid grains: an experimental approach from the local scale

Emilien Azéma and 4 other authors

Shape or friction? Which of these characteristics drives the shear strength in granular systems?

Emilien Azéma and 4 other authors

Bulk modulus of soft particle assemblies under compression

Emilien Azéma and 4 other authors

Independence of shear strength with particle size dispersity still valid in polyhedral particle assemblies

Emilien Azéma and 2 other authors

A Contact Dynamics open source code for the simulation of granular asteroid with realistic regolith shapes. Application to the accretion process

Emilien Azéma and 3 other authors

Strength and energy consumption of inherently anisotropic rocks at failure

Emilien Azéma and 2 other authors

Impact of sample scaling on shear strength: coupled effects of grains size and shape

Emilien Azéma and 5 other authors

A micro-mechanical compaction model for granular mix of soft and rigid particles

Emilien Azéma and 4 other authors

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