Rolf Niedermeier
schelling’s model of segregation; graph games; modification robustness; equilibrium analysis
number of views

Equilibria in Schelling Games: Computational Hardness and Robustness
Luca Kreisel and 3 other authors

Theory of and Experiments on Minimally Invasive Stability Preservation in Changing Two-Sided Matching Markets
Niclas Boehmer and 2 other authors

On Improving Resource Allocations by Sharing
Robert Bredereck and 4 other authors

Modification-Fair Cluster Editing
Vincent Froese and 2 other authors

Broadening the Research Agenda for Computational Social Choice: Multiple Preference Profiles and Multiple Solutions (Blue Sky Ideas Track)
Niclas Boehmer and 1 other author

High-Multiplicity Fair Allocation Made More Practical
Robert Bredereck and 4 other authors