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Haisong Gong

Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences; School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

graph neural network

natural language processing

fact checking

natural language inference

diffusion model

molecule generation




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Haisong Gong is a PhD student in the Center for Research on Intelligent Perception and Computing (CRIPAC) at the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CASIA), and the School of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his B.Eng. degree in Automation from Tongji University in 2021. His research interests include data mining and natural language processing.


Heterogeneous Graph Reasoning for Fact Checking over Texts and Tables

Haisong Gong and 4 other authors

Text-Guided Molecule Generation with Diffusion Language Model | VIDEO

Haisong Gong and 3 other authors

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