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Hedayat Zarkoob

Graduate student @ University of British Columbia

bayesian inference

mechanism design

peer grading




Hedayat is a PhD student in computer science at the University of British Columbia (UBC) under the supervision of Prof. Kevin Leyton-Brown. His research interests are in using cutting-edge AI tools to improve peer assessment and educational systems. He is also generally interested in Algorithm Game Theory, Mechanism Design, and the Theory of Computer Science. Hedayat is a PhD student in computer science at the University of British Columbia (UBC) under the supervision of Prof. Kevin Leyton-Brown. His research interests are in using cutting-edge AI tools to improve peer assessment and educational systems. He is also generally interested in Algorithm Game Theory, Mechanism Design, and the Theory of Computer Science.


Better Peer Grading through Bayesian Inference

Hedayat Zarkoob and 3 other authors

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