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Guihong Wan

Postdoctoral student @ Harvard University, Harvard Medical School




brain source imaging

combinatorial search





Guihong Wan is a postdoctoral research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. She received her Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Dallas. Her research interests are in combinatorial optimization, graph learning, and artificial intelligence in healthcare, with a specific focus on histopathology image analysis, EEG/MEG brain source imaging, genomics, and clinical informatics. Her goal is to integrate clinical, pathologic, molecular, and genomic data and to develop novel multimodal machine learning models, which will enable personalized medicine. Her studies were presented and published at prestigious conferences and journals in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, and Medicine, including AAAI, IJCAI, ICDE, MICCAI, IEEE Transactions, npj Precision Oncology, JAAD, and Nature Medicine.


Electrophysiological Brain Source Imaging via Combinatorial Search with Provable Optimality

Guihong Wan and 5 other authors

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