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Naoko Abe

The University of Sydney




Naoko Abe is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Sydney Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems (SIRIS) at the University of Sydney. She is a sociologist, specialising in social interaction and motion analysis, with a research focus in Robotics. She obtained a PhD in Sociology from Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris and a teaching certificate of Kinetography Laban from Conservatoire de Paris (CNSMDP). In 2015, Naoko Abe was a Postdoctoral Fellow within a humanoid robotics team at the Laboratory for Analysis and Architecture of Systems (LAAS-CNRS) in Toulouse, France. From 2018 to 2021 Abe was a Research Fellow at SIRIS, leading the research theme ‘Robotics and Society’. Her research interests include human-robot collaboration, motion-based human-robot interaction, and robots in public spaces. In August 2022, she joined the User Experience and Ethnography Team at Naver Labs Europe, in Grenoble, France.


A Microsociological Approach to Understanding the Boundary Between Robot Cooperativeness and Uncooperativeness in Human-Robot Collaboration

Naoko Abe and 2 other authors

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