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Khairallah Afrah

Rhodes University


drug resistance

drug discovery




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My name is Afrah Khairallah, PhD candidate in structural Bioinformatics and Computational Biology at the Research Unit in Bioinformatics (Rubi), Rhodes University. My doctorate research involved the application of computational tools and high-performance computing for early-stage antimalarial drug discovery. I received a Master’s degree in Bioinformatics from Rhodes University, Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology and BSc in Biotechnology from the University of Pretoria. I'm a member and an awardee of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD) PhD fellowship (2015). During my study years, i volunteered as a tutor, worked at the main university library and student organizations with leadership roles, including a member of the student parliament and the representative student council. My research interests are Structural Bioinformatics, In silico Drug Discovery, Comparative Genomics, Big Data Analysis and Visualization, High-Performance Computing, Artificial Intelligence, and Quantum Computing. My contribution to this field will be attained by conducting solid research that aims to identify innovative medicines to treat several diseases and overcome the drug resistance problem. I also plan for developing innovative technologies and software that can be appropriate for local conditions and solve health problems unique to developing countries.


Computer-aided drug discovery of novel anti-malarial drugs

Khairallah Afrah

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