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Karen Bourgeois

Expertise Conservation des Oiseaux Marins et de la Biodiversité Insulaire (ECOMBI)




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I am currently an independent researcher (ECOMBI, Expertise Conservation des Oiseaux Marins et de la Biodiversité Insulaire). I have 20 years experience of fieldwork and research in seabird ecology and biology. My research interests focus on seabird biology, ecology and conservation, in particular their behavioural ecology, trophic/foraging ecology, population biology, dynamics and genetics. All the studies I have performed had applications in species and ecosystem conservation. More specifically I have studied 1) the ecology and biology of seabirds by analysing their breeding biology, breeding habitat selection, behaviour, sexual dimorphism, mating systems, diet and foraging strategies, 2) biotic interactions with/among seabirds by investigating predation, habitat competition and olfactive interactions, and 3) the conservation of seabirds by examining the impact of introduced species, habitat degradation, bio-contamination and population dynamics. My presentations are about studies that I undertook during a European Union Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship which was a collaborative project with Dr. James Russell (BBC, SBS, University of Auckland) and Dr. Eric Vidal (IMBE, Aix-Marseille Université) between 2013 and 2016. I carried out research on seabird population genetics, structure and biogeography, my study species being the grey-faced petrel (Pterodroma gouldi) in New Zealand and the Yelkouan shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan) in the Mediterranean Basin. Humans have had a marked impact on their range and many local populations have gone extinct or contracted to very small sizes. It was crucial to evaluate gene flow and meta-population occurrence to identify threatened populations. In addition, I studied spatio-temporal variation in grey-faced petrel population breeding biology (phenology, chick growth, breeding success) investigating potential biological (genetics), ecological (trophic level, foraging areas) and environmental (ENSO, introduced predators) factors involved in this variation.


Spatio-temporal variation in chick growth and breeding success in the grey-faced petrel Pterodroma gouldi

Karen Bourgeois

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