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Daniela D. Pollak

Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria




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Curriculum vitae Univ. Prof. Dr. Daniela D. Pollak, Maga. med. vet, Dr. scient. med. Professor for Behavioral Biology, Department of Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology. Center for Physiology and Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna. Schwarzspanierstrasse 17, A-1090 Vienna, Austria. Tel: (+ 43)-1-40160-31270 E-mail: daniela.pollak ORCID: 0000-0002-9584-6257 Date and place of birth: July 2nd 1979, Vienna, Austria Family status: Two children (*2010, *2012) Education and career history: Current Full Professor, Behavioural Biology, Medical University Vienna 2013-2016 Associate Professor, Medical University Vienna 2013 Maternity leave 2011 Venia docendi Physiology, Medical University Vienna 2011 Maternity leave 2010 - 2012 Assistant Professor Medical University Vienna 2008 – 2010 Research Associate, Medical University of Vienna 2006 - 2008 Postdoctoral research fellow, Laboratory of Professor Eric R. Kandel, Columbia University, New York, USA 2005 Graduation Doctor of Medical Sciences, Medical University of Vienna 2002 Graduation Master of Veterinary Medicine, University for Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria Main areas of research Research focus of my laboratory is centered on contributing to unraveling the neurobiological basis of mental illness, with a focus on mood disorders. Using specific animal models and a wide range of analytical methods, from the systemic (behavioral) to the cellular and molecular levels we are examining alternative hypothesis about the pathophysiology of mood disorders, specifically orienting towards the role of the circadian system, metabolic influences and the long-term impact of perinatal influences on brain function and behavior in health and disease.


From hibernation to depression: brown fat as the missing link between seasonality and affective behavior

Daniela D. Pollak

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