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Lara Bertram

Graduate student @ University of Surrey, Guildford, England




I am a psychologist and computer scientist interested in the interplay between emotion and cognition. In my PhD I investigate how emotions affect perceptions of uncertainty and subjective probability. I completed my bachelor's in psychology at Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, my master's in psychology at University of Cologne and I am currently writing my bachelor's thesis in computer science at Free University Berlin. Over the last years, I worked as a teaching assistant at University of Cambridge (visiting PhD student) and University of Surrey (PhD student under supervision of Jonathan D. Nelson). I am affiliated with the Max Planck Institutes for Humen Development (collaboration with Azzurra Ruggeri, MPRG iSearch) and Biological Cybernetics (co-supervision by Eric Schulz, MPRG CPI Lab).


Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany


Emotions, age, and subjective probability in children

Lara Bertram

Fast or efficient? Strategy selection in the game Entropy Mastermind

Lara Bertram and 8 other authors

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