Hongning Wang
large language model
meta learning
machine learning
code generation
probabilistic models
human evaluation
online learning & bandits
adversarial learning & robustness
prompt optimization
personalized text generation
I am an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science of University of Virginia. My research interest includes data mining, machine learning, and information retrieval, with a special emphasis on computational user behavior modeling. I graduated from the CS@UIUC in May 2014. My research group's homepage is at HCDM@UVa.
CritiqueLLM: Towards an Informative Critique Generation Model for Evaluation of Large Language Model Generation
Pei Ke and 11 other authors
Defending Large Language Models Against Jailbreaking Attacks Through Goal Prioritization
Zhexin Zhang and 5 other authors
Black-Box Prompt Optimization: Aligning Large Language Models without Model Training
Jiale Cheng and 7 other authors
Learning Task Decomposition to Assist Humans in Competitive Programming
Jiaxin Wen and 5 other authors
Human vs. Generative AI in Content Creation Competition: Symbiosis or Conflict?
Hongning Wang
Stealthy Adversarial Attacks on Stochastic Multi-Armed Bandits
Zhiwei Wang and 2 other authors
Meta-Reinforcement Learning via Exploratory Task Clustering
Zhendong Chu and 2 other authors
COFFEE: Counterfactual Fairness for Personalized Text Generation in Explainable Recommendation
Nan Wang and 7 other authors
Learning the Optimal Recommendation from Explorative Users
Fan Yao and 4 other authors