Mausam ⠀
Professor @ Dept. of Computer Science, IIT Delhi
dialog systems
conversational ai
task-oriented dialog systems
evolving knowledge bases
dialog-kb inconsistencies
open information extraction
task-oriented dialogs
task oriented dialogs
kg alignment
reinforcement learning
multilingual kg
flowchart grounded dialog system
multilingual open knowledge base completion
neuro-symbolic knowledge graph completion
rule augmentations
number of views
Mausam is the founding head of Yardi School of Artificial Intelligence, along with being a Professor of Computer Science at IIT Delhi

DKAF: KB Arbitration for Learning Task-Oriented Dialog Systems with Dialog-KB Inconsistencies
Vishal Saley and 3 other authors

mOKB6: A Multilingual Open Knowledge Base Completion Benchmark
Shubham Mittal and 3 other authors

DiSCoMaT: Distantly Supervised Composition Extraction from Tables in Materials Science Articles
Mohd Zaki and 5 other authors

DKAF: KB Arbitration for Learning Task-Oriented Dialog Systems with Dialog-KB Inconsistencies
Vishal Saley and 3 other authors

Do I have the Knowledge to Answer? Investigating Answerability of Knowledge Base Questions
Mayur Patidar and 5 other authors

Simple Augmentations of Logical Rules for Neuro-Symbolic Knowledge Graph Completion
Ananjan Nandi and 3 other authors

Joint Completion and Alignment of Multilingual Knowledge Graphs
Soumen Chakrabarti and 4 other authors

Structural Constraints and Natural Language Inference for End-to-End Flowchart Grounded Dialog Response Generation
Dinesh Raghu and 3 other authors

End-to-End Learning of Flowchart Grounded Task-Oriented Dialogs
Dinesh Raghu and 3 other authors

Constraint based Knowledge Base Distillation in End-to-End Task Oriented Dialogs
Dinesh Raghu and 3 other authors

Unsupervised Learning of KB Queries in Task-Oriented Dialogs
Dinesh Raghu and 2 other authors