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Minyu Chang

Post-graduate student @ McGill University




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Minyu Chang is a recently graduated Ph.D. student in the Department of Psychology at Cornell University. Before joining the graduate program at Cornell, she graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Hong Kong. The overarching goal of her research is to understand the cognitive and metacognitive processes that govern learning and memory and the developmental changes in these processes across the human life span. Therefore, her research revolves around three connected topics: episodic memory, metamemory, and cognitive aging. Specifically, she has implemented behavioral experimentation and mathematical modeling to understand the semantic factors that affect memory processes, the metacognitive processes that regulate learning, and the developmental and disease trajectories in cognition during late adulthood.


Changed-goal or cue-strengthening? An investigation into the underlying mechanisms of judgment of learning reactivity

Minyu Chang

Semantic and Phonological False Memory: A Review of Theory and Data

Minyu Chang and 1 other author

Integrating Neural Embedding Models with an Instance Memory Model to Explain False Recognition

Minyu Chang and 1 other author

Judgment of learning reactivity is stronger for randomized than blocked categorized lists: A challenge for the item-specific processing account

Minyu Chang and 1 other author

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