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Toxicity, Morality, and Speech Act Guided Stance Detection

Apoorva Upadhyaya and 2 other authors

Whispering LLaMA: A Cross-Modal Generative Error Correction Framework for Speech Recognition

Srijith Radhakrishnan and 6 other authors

Homophone Disambiguation Reveals Patterns of Context Mixing in Speech Transformers

Hosein Mohebbi and 3 other authors

Probing LLMs for Joint Encoding of Linguistic Categories

Giulio Starace and 6 other authors

Rethinking and Improving Multi-task Learning for End-to-end Speech Translation | VIDEO

Yuhao Zhang and 6 other authors

Beyond Denouncing Hate: Strategies for Countering Implied Biases and Stereotypes in Language

Jimin Mun and 5 other authors

Intuitive Multilingual Audio-Visual Speech Recognition with a Single-Trained Model

Joanna Hong and 2 other authors

MUST&P-SRL: Multi-lingual and Unified Syllabification in Text and Phonetic Domains for Speech Representation Learning

Noé Tits

Once is Enough: A Light-Weight Cross-Attention for Fast Sentence Pair Modeling | VIDEO

Yuanhang Yang and 5 other authors

CoSyn: Detecting Implicit Hate Speech in Online Conversations Using a Context Synergized Hyperbolic Network

Sreyan Ghosh and 5 other authors

Rethinking Model Selection and Decoding for Keyphrase Generation with Pre-trained Sequence-to-Sequence Models

Di Wu and 2 other authors

A Fine-Grained Taxonomy of Replies to Hate Speech

Xinchen Yu and 3 other authors

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