technical paper

AAAI 2024

February 26, 2024

Vancouver , Canada

NeSyFOLD: A Framework for Interpretable Image Classification


neurosymbolic ai


machine learning

Deep learning models such as CNNs have surpassed human performance in computer vision tasks such as image classi- fication. However, despite their sophistication, these models lack interpretability which can lead to biased outcomes re- flecting existing prejudices in the data. We aim to make pre- dictions made by a CNN interpretable. Hence, we present a novel framework called NeSyFOLD to create a neurosym- bolic (NeSy) model for image classification tasks. The model is a CNN with all layers following the last convolutional layer replaced by a stratified answer set program (ASP) derived from the last layer kernels. The answer set program can be viewed as a rule-set, wherein the truth value of each pred- icate depends on the activation of the corresponding kernel in the CNN. The rule-set serves as a global explanation for the model and is interpretable. We also use our NeSyFOLD framework with a CNN that is trained using a sparse kernel learning technique called Elite BackProp (EBP). This leads to a significant reduction in rule-set size without compromising accuracy or fidelity thus improving scalability of the NeSy model and interpretability of its rule-set. Evaluation is done on datasets with varied complexity and sizes. We also pro- pose a novel algorithm for labelling the predicates in the rule- set with meaningful semantic concept(s) learnt by the CNN. We evaluate the performance of our “semantic labelling algo- rithm” to quantify the efficacy of the semantic labelling for both the NeSy model and the NeSy-EBP model.


SlidesPaperTranscript English (automatic)

Next from AAAI 2024

Uncertainty Quantification for Forward and Inverse Problems of PDEs via Latent Global Evolution
technical paper

Uncertainty Quantification for Forward and Inverse Problems of PDEs via Latent Global Evolution

AAAI 2024

+2Stefano Ermon
Tailin Wu and 4 other authors

22 February 2024

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