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World Anthropologies: Building Disciplinary Bridges and Upending Hierarchies of Knowledge
This webinar brings together scholars involved in the World Anthropologies movement to discuss the current state of this vital project with global scope. Starting with the recognition that the building of anthropological knowledge is mainly constrained both by imperial/colonial structures and the default frame of the nation-state, the session will explore methods of doing anthropology otherwise. As an AAA sponsored event, the session will focus in particular on the role of the US and the AAA. We will reflect on the extent to which USian anthropology positions itself as an (or even sometimes the!) “anthropology without culture”, as well as on how USian institutions and structures produce a USian anthropology. Within the context of efforts from within the AAA and other national or multinational bodies (notably the World Council of Anthropological Associations) and supranational bodies (notably the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences), we will discuss the struggle to decenter knowledge production from a place of privilege and domination. We will then consider how the World Anthro movement does or could build bridges with anthropologies that traverse, get around, subvert, or transcend “national” boundaries, and in particular the hegemony of the US, the AAA, and of English, and with movements that seek to queer anthropology, to decolonize it, to crip it, or to burn it down.