technical paper
Modeling language evolution and feature dynamics in a realistic geographic environment

The Pingry School
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Yugo Murawaki
over 4 years agoThanks for the great presentation. I have two questions. (1) Do you plan to support lexical features in addition to typological features? For a lexical feature, the number of traits (unique feature values) is unbounded, and we can assume that the birth of a trait happens only once, thanks to the arbitrariness of sound-meaning mappings. (2) Does your model support evolutionary rate variation across phylogenetic trees? And do you plan to associate rate variation with tree topology? Simon Greenhill and colleagues have long argued that languages evolve in punctuational bursts. The emergence of new languages happens in a relatively short period of time, and the rate of language change is high at the time of language splitting.

Phillip Rogers
over 4 years agoThanks, Clément!

Clément Besnier
over 4 years agoSoftware engineer
Impressive model!