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technical paper
X ray vector magnetic tomography of Bloch points in magnetic microstructures and multilayers
The recent development of magnetic tomography 1 and laminography 2 techniques has allowed the quantitative characterization of 3D magnetization vector maps in thin films and nanostructures. Thus, vector analysis methods can be used to understand the experimental magnetization configurations and obtain a unified description of the different types of 3D domain walls and magnetic singularities.
In this work we have studied by X-ray vector magnetic tomography (XVMT) the 3D magnetization configuration of a 140 nm thick permalloy microstructure 3 and a ferrimagnetic GdCo/NdCo/GdCo’ trilayer 4.
In the Py microstructure, we observe a domain wall with non-trivial 3D configuration decorated by Bloch points such as the one in Fig. 1: composed of a linear tail-to-tail wall and a circulating vortex across the sample thickness. The corresponding emergent field Be (calculated in the right part of Fig. 1) reveals the underlying topological singularity with charge -1, that acts as a sink of Be lines. Changes in domain wall chirality are mediated by topological dipoles and triplets linked by horizontal bundles of emergent field lines. In addition, surface magnetic textures and helical vortices are found at the cross sections of vertical bundles of Be lines 3.
In the GdCo/NdCo/GdCo’ trilayer, the competition between anisotropy, exchange and magnetostatic interactions creates a peculiar stripe domain pattern with an exchange spring wall across the thickness at the top GdCo/NdCo interface 4. The role of this boundary as a preferred site for nucleation of singularities will be discussed in detail (see e.g. the emergent field dipole in Fig. 2, composed of two Bloch points at different sample depths and opposite topological charges).
Work supported by Spanish MICIN and Asturias FICYT.