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Vibration Analysis of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor by a Pole/Slot Combination
The increase of power density in permanent magnet synchronous motors(PMSMs) has been getting more crucial these days, and there are two methods to improve the power of a PMSM. One is the increase of magnetic loading(ML) by changing the grade and/or size of permanent magnets 1. The other is the change of electric loading(EL) by modifying winding design and/or current 2. ML and EL leading to magnetic flux density in air gap affect electromagnetic and mechanical performance at the same time. Thus, Balance between ML and EL should be examined in terms of efficiency and vibration. In this paper, a sixteen-pole eighteen-slot PMSM for a vertical articulated robot is chosen as a reference model 3, and other two pole/slot combinations (20p/18s, 20p/24s) are together compared in terms of electrical and mechanical performance.
In the electric motor, electromagnetic vibration is generated by air gap radial force(Pr) whose density is determined by radial and tangential magnetic flux densities. At a given instant of time, the flux densities are spatially distributed along air gap with respect to mechanical angle, and their spatial distribution changes by spinning the rotor. Pr distributed in a three-dimensional manner is decomposed into harmonics as Fig.1. In the case of 16p18s, the 16th radial force is dominant on the x-axis of a temporal harmonic order. Regarding the y-axis of a spatial harmonic order, the 2nd and 16th are important. The vibration displacement is calculated by the harmonics of Pr as Fig.2. At the frequency of 533.3Hz, the RMS of vibration acceleration of the 16th temporal order on the x-axis is 1.14m/s2, and the 2nd and 16th spatial harmonics have the portion of 83% and 9%, respectively, in vibration acceleration. The influence of ML and EL on the radial force density of the 2nd and 16th spatial harmonics is significantly different each other. In conclusion, balance between magnetic and electric loading has to be examined in terms of efficiency and vibration. Especially, trade-off between efficiency and vibration will be meticulously analyzed and explained during the increase of power in PMSMs.