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Exchange Bias Properties of Cr Doped Ni2Mn1.4 xCrxGa0.6 Heusler Alloys
Although materials exhibiting exchange bias (EB) phenomena have found use in many modern technologies1, 2, much of their underlying physics remain highly debated.
For bulk alloys, EB cannot be understood within the context of interfacial antiferromagnetic (AFM) / ferromagnetic (FM) interactions3. Rather, for certain Mn-rich Heusler alloys, EB is
better understood within the context of many different exotic magnetic interactions4, 5. For the Mn-Ni-Ga system, excess Mn can fill free Ni / Ga lattice sites leading to competing FM /
AFM type interactions6. Competition is believed to govern EB effect in these systems. Considering the common valence structure and smaller radius of Cr atoms, it is interesting to study
the effect of Mn-Cr swapping. The smaller Cr atoms should reduce nearest neighbor bond radii and promote AFM behavior. Here we report on a set of Ni2Mn1.4-xCrxGa0.6 (0.00 ≤ x ≤
0.40) compounds fabricated via standard arc-casting and annealing procedures. At dilute Cr content, x ≤ 0.10, AFM interactions in the system were enhanced. This behavior resulted in
enhanced EB properties of the system. The x = 0.10 sample exhibited maximum EB fields of HEB ~ 723 Oe and HEB ~ 300 Oe for ZFC / FCC conditions respectively. For higher Cr
content, the FM response of the system was enhanced, and a secondary precipitate was observed as the bulk of the samples began to reject new Cr atoms. The observed EB phenomena of
samples containing Cr content in excess of x = 0.25 was suppressed significantly. Relevant structural, compositional, and magnetic data will be presented for the Ni2Mn1.4-xCrxGa0.6
1 M. Bibes, J. Villegas and A. Barthelemy, Adv. Phys., Vol. 60, p.5-84 (2011)
2 C. Tsang, R. Fontana and T. Lin, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 30, p.3801-3806 (1994)
3 J. Nogués and I. Schuller, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., Vol. 192, p.203-232 (1999)
4 M. Khan and A. Albagami, J. All. Comp., Vol. 727, p.100-106 (2017)
5 Y. Zhang, J. Li, and F. Tian, Intermetallics, Vol. 107, p.10-14 (2019)
6 P. Lazpita, J. M. Barandiaran and J. Feuchtwanger, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., Vol. 325, p.012016 (2011)