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We studied the spin-Hall magnetotransport across an epitaxial and nonmagnetic Y3Al5O12 (YAG) insertion layer in the Pt/Tb3Fe5O12 (TbIG) system. YAG (tYAG nm) /TbIG (30 nm) bilayers were grown on Ga3Gd5O12 (GGG) (111) substrates by pulsed laser deposition, before 5 nm of Pt was sputtered on the sample and patterned into Hall bars. tYAG dependences of anomalous Hall resistance (RAHE, with linear background contribution subtracted) were measured. At low tYAG values, a hysteretic RAHE loop is observed at low fields but with reducing effect with rising tYAG. At high fields RAHE behaviour is present, with magnitudes comparable with Pt/TbIG sample. The temperature dependence of low- and high-field RAHE were investigated, with the goal of identifying the origin of such discrepancies and further guidance for interfacial design of spintronics devices.
Fig. 1. Field dependence of RAHE of Pt/YAG/TbIG samples at 10 K (a) and 300 K (b).