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Characterization of long distance spin transport in antiferromagnetic NiO
Long-distance transmission of spin angular momentum in antiferromagnetic insulators has attracted much attention 1. In our previous study, we investigated the spin
transmission in NiO by the enhancement of the damping constant due to the spin pumping effect in NiO tNiO nm/FeNi multilayer films. The results imply that the spin transmission length
could be much greater than 100 nm 2. In order to accurately determine the transmission length, the structure used in those measurements requires the NiO thickness tNiO >> 100 nm
because the pumped spin current diffuses in the film thickness direction. However, depositing such a thick NiO layer while maintaining the film quality is not practical.In this study, we
devise a structure having the spin transmission in the lateral direction of the NiO layer as shown in Fig. 1 and characterize the damping constant enhancement with respect to the lateral
length lNiO.
Multilayers of NiO 10 nm/FeNi 5 nm/Au 5 nm were fabricated on a single crystalline MgO substrate by magnetron sputtering. The epitaxial growth of the NiO was confirmed by the
RHEED images. We performed the homodyne ferromagnetic resonance measurements for various lNiO. From the lNiO dependence of the damping constant obtained from the measurements, we attempted to derive the in-plane spin transmission length in the NiO.
1 R. Lebrun et al., Nature 561, 222 (2018)
2 T. Ikebuchi et al., Appl. Phys. Exp. 14, 123001 (2021)
Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the lateral device and measurement configuration