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High Frequency (5 GHz – 40 GHz) Microwave Resonant Absorption and Inverse Spin Hall Effect in Py/Pt Thin Film stacking
Microwave resonant (FMR) and Inverse Spin Hall effect (ISHE) in ferromagnetic materials have attracted high interest due to its significant contribution in spintronic devices 1. Co-planar waveguide ferromagnetic resonance (CPW-FMR) technique is versatile tool to study the spin dynamics and its related parameters- saturation magnetization (Ms), spin mixing conductance (g↑↓), anisotropy field (Hk), geomagnetic ration (γ), Gilbert damping (α) and role of inhomogeneity (ΔH0) in magnetic thin films. In the present study, high frequency (5 GHz - 40 GHz) dependent FMR and FMR induced spin current (ISHE) measurement has been performed on DC magnetron sputtered Ni80Fe20 (10 nm) and Ni80Fe20 (10 nm) /Pt (5 nm) thin film stacking via CPW - FMR set up. RT field swept microwave absorption spectra of Ni80Fe20 thin films fig. 1(a) and FMR induced voltage spectra (ISHE) fig.1 (b) of thin films were recorded. The spin dynamics parameters such as α, (ΔH0 ), (g↑↓) are 7.61 x 10 -3 , 4.12 Oe and ~ 1.04 x 1020 m-2 respectively extracted via line shape analysis as shown in inset of fig.1(a). Other parameters- Meff, γ, Hk are deduced from the above detailed CPW- FMR studies using Kittle fit eq. 2 in f vs Hres curve as shown in inset of fig.1(a) are ~ 1.047 T, 1.61 x 10 11 s-1T-1 , 88.38 Oe respectively. The ability to pump the spins from Py layer to Pt layer interface has induced by one order from ~ 1019 m-2 to 1020 m-2 in our studies as compare to previous reported literatures 3-4, which is attributed to the highly homogeneity and low magnetic interfacial anisotropy present in Py/Pt thin film stacking. Frequency dependent induced voltage (VISHE) is symmetric in nature inactive of the detection of pure spin current and magnitude is higher (VISHE2GHz ~ 120 µV) which is in corroboration with damping and spin mixing conductance of Py/Pt thin film. The ISHE results are in agreement with the literature 5-6. The thickness dependent study is under progress for the tuneable detection of pure spin current.
1.I. Zutic , J. Fabian, and S. D. Sarma, Reviews of modern physics, 76(2), 323 (2004).
2.C. Kittel, Physical Review, 71(4), 270. (1947).
3.O. Mosendz et al, Physical Review B, 82(21), 214403 (2010).
4.S. Mizukami, Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 226, 1640-1642 (2001)
5.R. Iguchi e al, Japanese journal of applied physics, 51(10R), 103004 (2012).
6.S. Martín-Rio, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 500, 166319 (2020).