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Exchange/Zeeman Competition in the Rare Earth Nitrides and the Resulting Magnetic Compensation
The rare-earth nitrides are the only known series of intrinsic ferromagnetic semiconductors, with a range of magnetic behaviours stemming from the contribution of both spin and orbital 4f moments. The similar chemistry of the rare-earths and the common structure of the nitrides simplifies their combination in superlattices and solid solutions. Recent studies of rare-earth nitride superlattices have shown enhanced superconductivity 1 and magnetic exchange spring behaviour that results from the competition between the Zeeman and Exchange interactions 2. Yet, little has been published to date exploring the combination of these nitrides in solid-solutions.
We show (with reference to magnetometry, XMCD and anomalous Hall effect measurements) that the same Exchange/Zeeman competition that leads to a complex twisted magnetic phase in superlattices manifests quite differently in solid solutions. Leading, where an orbital-dominant ferromagnet (SmN) is paired with a spin-only ferromagnet (GdN), to a composition exhibiting a net zero magnetic moment (A compensation point).
References 1 E.-M. Anton, S. Granville, A. Engel et. al. , Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 94, 024106 (2016)
2 E.-M. Anton, W. Holmes-Hewett, J. McNulty et. al. , AIP Advances, Vol. 1, 015348 (2021)