technical paper
Comparing Numerical Results Between Preprints and Peer-Reviewed Publications of COVID-19 Trials
pandemic science
research methods
Objective The COVID-19 pandemic introduced a surge in
the dissemination of preprints due to demand for faster and
wider access to scientific knowledge. However, questions
were raised concerning the reliability of their results. 1,2 The
aim of this study was to compare numerical results extracted
from preprints vs related peer-reviewed publications to
inform inclusion in living systematic reviews.
Design This cross-sectional study used data from the
COVID-NMA ( initiative, a living systematic
review of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) evaluating
preventive interventions, treatments, and vaccines for
COVID-19. Pharmacological treatment RCTs originally
posted as preprints and subsequently published in peer-
reviewed journals were included. Trials that moved from
interim to final analysis between sources were excluded.
Effect size estimates extracted from the first preprint were
compared with effect size estimates from the most recent
peer-reviewed publication. Predefined COVID-NMA “critical
outcomes” at 28 days 3 were considered (ie, clinical
improvement, World Health Organization Clinical
Progression Score level 7 or above, all-cause mortality,
incidence of any adverse events, incidence of serious adverse
events). The last search date was February 3, 2022.
Results A total of 425 RCTs were identified. Trials only
available as peer-reviewed publications (n = 217 51%),
preprints (n = 85 20%), and unpublished (n = 16 4%)
were excluded, as well as trials reporting interim to final
analysis between sources (n = 11 3%), no review-specific
outcomes (n = 4 1%), and nonpharmacological treatments
(n = 3 1%). Eighty-nine RCTs (230 outcomes) first available
as preprints and subsequently as peer-reviewed publications
were included. The median delay between preprint post and
subsequent publication in a peer-reviewed journal was 112
days (range, 5-505 days). Seventy-two (81%)
preprintpublication RCTs (168 outcomes) showed no
discrepancies in outcomes reported. Eight (9%) RCTs had
numerical discrepancies in 15 of the 22 outcomes reported in
both sources; no change in the direction of effect size
estimate between sources was found (Figure 8). Of these, 1
RCT also had 2 outcomes added in the peer-reviewed
publication. Furthermore, in trials with no numerical
discrepancies in outcomes reported, 1 (1%) RCT had 2
outcomes missing in the peer-reviewed publication and 8
(9%) RCTs had at least 1 outcome added in the peer-reviewed
publication compared with the preprint.
Conclusions Numerical results were generally similar
between COVID-19 preprints and related peer-reviewed
publications in the majority of RCTs. However, some
outcomes were added and deleted. We could not assess
whether preprint trials that were never published as
peerreviewed articles were problematic and whether peer
review prevented journal publication due to unsupported
1. Flanagin A, Fontanarosa PB, Bauchner H. Preprints
involving medical research—do the benefits outweigh the
challenges? JAMA. 2020;324(18):1840-1843. doi:10.1001/
2. Carneiro CFD, Queiroz VGS, Moulin TC, et al.
Comparing quality of reporting between preprints and peer-
reviewed articles in the biomedical literature. Res Integr Peer
Rev. 2020;5(1):16. doi:10.1186/s41073-020-00101-3
3. Boutron I, Chaimani A, Devane D, et al.
Interventions for the treatment of COVID-19: a living
network meta-analysis. Cochrane Database of Syst Rev.
Published online November
3, 2020. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD013770
Conflict of Interest Disclosures Mauricia Davidson is funded by
a PhD grant from the Université Paris Cité. Isabelle Boutron is a
member of the Peer Review Congress Advisory Board but was not
involved in the review or decision for this abstract.
Funding/Support This project is funded by the Université Paris
Role of the Funder/Sponsor The funder had no role in the design
and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and
interpretation of the data; preparation, review, or approval of the
abstract; and decision to submit the abstract for presentation.
Next from Peer Review Congress 2022

An Analysis of the History, Content, and Spin of Abstracts of COVID-19-Related Randomized Clinical Trials Posted as Preprints and Subsequently Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals or Unpublished
Peer Review Congress 2022
08 September 2022