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Contested Truths: Narratives, Hopes and Fears from the Colombian Truth Commission
truth and reconciliation
transitional justice
public anthropology
In November 2021, the Colombian Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition (CEV) will release their final report on the Colombian armed conflict. This roundtable brings together anthropologists from diverse social, geographical, and institutional locations - including scholar-practitioners - to discuss the practical, methodological, and pedagogical implications of the CEV’s work and final report. It is one of the first truth commissions in the world to develop an explicitly intersectional methodology that aims to bear witness to the complexities of the internal armed conflict, across the axes of generation, ability, gender, ethnicity, and diverse psychosocial impacts, and which aims to lay the foundations for coexistence and the non-repetition of violence. The completion of the CEV’s mandate this year raises significant and timely questions for anthropological inquiry into truth, recognition, responsibility, justice, and knowledge production: What • and whose • truths will be foregrounded (and obscured) in the final report? What methods, theories, and ethics shaped the CEV’s praxis of truth-telling and recognition of atrocities and harms? Created as a “temporary” state institution with a three-year mandate, how do the temporalities of institutionalized truth commissions shape - and constrain - possibilities for recognition and healing? How have grassroots leaders, CEV officials, and local and international liaisons negotiated, reworked, and refused the constraints of state-society relations on the ground? What narratives about the past will the CEV’s report produce, and how will these be communicated to different publics, as the first ever truth commission worldwide with a ‘pedagogy’ mandate? How will the CEV’s narratives about truth be received, appropriated and contested by different sectors Colombian society? And what impact will they have on the possibilities for peacebuilding? This roundtable will direct ethnographic attention to the CEV in order to lift out the emergent possibilities, lessons learned, and limitations of truth-telling for generating accountability, recognition, and healing justice. This will be a bilingual, Spanish-English roundtable discussion.