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Disinformation in Pandemic: Re-thinking and Re-building Trust (in Institutions)
We aim to think about disinformation and trust debates together in this session. Disinformation literature has grown rapidly in the last couple of years but it is predominantly centred around platform economies and content related networks. By bringing trust into the equation and by presenting novel ways and fields of trust building, we aim to extend the meanings of the post-truth era beyond the current discussions revolving around such dichotomies of fake and authentic, emotion and rationality, and new and old media. By doing this, we aim to brainstorm constructive ways to tackle disinformation that go beyond platforms and discursive terrains as we know them. These will include socio-technical infrastructures, science communications, blockchain based trustless networks. This brainstorming may serve to consider how trust for institutional forms can be re-built within a new and complex media ecosystem after a long duration of critiquing and effectively destroying expert paradigms.