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technical paper
Peace, Polarization, and Accountability under Fire: Lessons from Colombia and Brazil about the Politics of Truth and Representation
Contemporary global trends in the rise of populism and what has been loosely termed “post-truth politics'' challenge the heretofore presumed hegemony of the epistemic regimes of liberal rationality. This abstract’s drafting occurs at the one-year mark of a global pandemic, a moment in which Brazil has just passed the undesirable distinction of 400,000 reported dead from COVID-19, and Colombia’s national police - a force designed for war and failing to find its new forms in a post-accord society - stands accused of catastrophic human rights violations after several weeks of social protests and violent armed oppression of protestors. The global pandemic has illuminated the deleterious effects of the structural inequalities that perpetuate the negative consequences of these trends. This panel explores the epistemological stakes of responsibility, accountability, reporting on the “truth”, and the formation of political identities and beliefs in two contexts of acute political uncertainty in the global South: Colombia and Brazil. Five years into the implementation of the Havana Peace Accord, Colombian officials and publics find themselves at loggerheads over nearly all elements of the agreement. The 2022 presidential elections and the 2021 national strike are deepening these divisions, and pandemic conditions have contributed to a precipitous rise in massacres and armed group expansion in some areas of the country. In Brazil, a new political scenario has taken shape in recent years after Dilma Rousseff’s impeachment and the election of Jair Bolsonaro as president. The country is immersed in several power disputes and faces an open battle over the hegemony of “truth” supported in part by resorts to emotions, false news and even violence. The disputes occur in the universe of politics, medicine, and the arts: how is truth being constituted by various subjects in different contexts? We draw on these global South contexts to unravel the epistemic knots formed by these converging dynamics, to better understand how (post)truth regimes emerge, exert claims over knowledge, and transform and sediment through social interactions in the political realm. This panel does not have a single discussant as we will be collectively discussing each other's papers throughout the panel.