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Palestine: Resurgent and Emergent Solidarities
human rights
This roundtable is co-sponsored with MPAAC representatives in the areas of Human Rights, Anti-racism and Labor and the following sections: The Association of Black Anthropologists (ABA) the Association for Feminist Anthropology (AFA), the Association for Political and Legal Anthropology (APLA), the Council on Anthropology and Education (CAE), and Critical Urban Anthropology Association (CUAA, formerly SUNTA). In the wake of the continued displacement of Palestinian families in East Jerusalem by the Israeli government and another round of brutal violence committed against Gaza by the Israeli military, this late-breaking session will investigate the current status of solidarity projects working for Palestinian rights. The level, location, and terminology deployed in public support of Palestinian rights in the context of the most recent violence is the fruition of both recent and long term solidarity work. Palestinian activists have changed the tenor of the conversation through their labor on the ground, and through the alliances they have built internationally and regionally with allied movements. These alliances with groups such as Black Lives Matter (BLM), Disability Rights Movements, and Indigenous Movements, have helped change the tenor of the public conversation by breaking down a prevalent two-sides discourse, and shifting the conversation by clearly identifying settler colonialism and apartheid as the appropriate descriptors for realities on the ground in the occupied Palestinian territories. The work that the BLM has done, from the Ferguson to Gaza slogans in 2014, to the articulation of common cause during the heady politically aware summer of 2020, draws on a long history of solidarity work and has enabled new forms of conversation to emerge in the American public sphere (and elsewhere). Given the crucial role of the US in providing military and financial support for the Israeli state, shifts in the US conversation are a key battleground for Palestinian rights. The April 2021 HRW report, which finds that “Abusive Israeli Policies Constitute Crimes of Apartheid” was released in this context of growing intersectional solidarities and after years of activists efforts to change the discourse surrounding Israel and Palestine. The participants in this roundtable will examine the emergence of these new solidarities, tracing the political labor that has gone into building these alliances, as well broader political contexts that made the time ripe for new and renewed activism and critique. Further, panelists will speak to the discursive shifts that have fundamentally changed what and how the Palestinian liberation struggle can be narrated.