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VIDEO DOI: https://doi.org/10.48448/r5eh-as29

technical paper


July 20, 2020

Live on Underline

Toward a Neurobiological Basis for Understanding Learning in Physics Courses


Jessica Bartley

Florida International University

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Rachele Dominguez

over 4 years ago

This is so cool!


Jessica Bartley

over 4 years ago

Looking forward to answering all of your great questions in this chat! In the meantime here the link to a transcript of the talk: https://osf.io/jhfam/

Priya Jamkhedkar

Priya Jamkhedkar

over 4 years ago

This was a really fascinating talk. Thank you for sharing!


Catherine Crouch

over 4 years ago

I'll just add that this was a beautifully crafted talk as well as fascinating! Thanks so much for sharing this with us and I look forward to when you have learned more!


Michael Wittmann

over 4 years ago

What a fun talk to watch. This is incredibly interesting. I wonder about the connection to things like the Dual Process Theory of Reasoning - the mapping of the Central Executive Network and the Default Mode Network to the dual processes (in this case, slow and fast thinking) aren't perfect, but curiously close. Do you think it's worth exploring those connections more, or are the distances between the frameworks too far?


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