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197 results
IEEE Update for UKSG
Judy Brady
Jisc - Library hub Cataloguing service
Bethan Ruddock
A model approach Salford's frameworks for assessing transformative read and publish deals
Helen Monagle and 1 other author
Farewell discovery, hello curation and engagement
Ken Chad
Opening of the Conference
Joanna Ball
Opening of the Conference
Joanna Ball
Diamond Journals and platforms: challenges and opportunities for open scholarship
Jeroen Bosman and 1 other author
Smoothing the Path: An Examination of Managing Author Workflow in the OA transition
Veronika Spinka and 2 other authors
Pay now or wait a year: Embargoes as a selective barrier to access)
Liam Bullingham
Accessibility moving the (stuck) dial
Lettie Conrad
American Chemical Society - Publishing Open Access
Rhonda Lands
Wiley - Peter Foster Wiley Digital Archives
Peter Foster